Pedigree #1

Application for registration of one dog (Pedigree #1):

Name of dog applied for
(see notes 2&3)
Give selection of four names in order of preference
Note: no name including affix shall exceed 24 letters.

Sex (dog or bitch):
Date of Birth:

Breeder(s) (see note 4) If bred by owner, insert “owner”


Owner(s) of sire:


Name of sire KC Number
Name of dam KC Number
Sire’s Grand sire
Sire’s Grand dam
Dam’s Grand sire
Dam’s Grand dam

Full name/s and address of present owners



1. Non acceptance of registration etc. The commitee may reject any application to register an affix or to register or transfer any dog or to change or cancel a name and may cancel or suspend any registration or transfer or grant of an affix already made.

2. Name: Three names beside the one desired must be given when applying to register any dog. The name including affix shall not exceed 24 letters. The names of notable persons, places, kennels, countries, cities, and colours, or of a general character; common names; and numerals will not be accepted. If a name has been entered in the stud book, it cannot be used again as the registered name of any dog of the same breed. Subject to the forgegoing, a name already used to register another dog of the same breed provided ten years after the 1st of January have elapsed, since the last registration.

3. If the grantee of a registered affix wishes to use it when registering dogs (a) bred by him, or (b) bred from parents each of which was bred by him, the affix must appear as the first word in the name. Otherwise it must appear as the last word of the name.

4. The “breeder” of any dog is the owner of the dam at the time of whelping unless a registration has been effected under the “Regulations for load or use of a Bitch for Breeding purposes”.

5. If, intentionally or unintentionally, a bitch has been served by two dogs in the same heat, the name of both dogs must be given when the progeny is being registered.

6. When at the date of closing of entries for a show, an exhibitor has applied for, but has not received, the certificate of registration, the dog shall be entered in the name shown as first choice on the registration form, followed by the letters N.A.F. (name applied for)

7. The declaration must be signed by all the owners in the case of a joint ownership. Every registration at the Kennel Club implies submission by the person registering to Kennel Club Rules and Regulations in all canine matters.

8. Endorsements. The owner of a dog shall be entitled to require the Kennel Club to place any or all of the following endorsements on its records of the dog and to mark the relevant Registration and/or Transfer certificate(s) accordingly:

a) not eligible for entry at shows
b) progeny not eligible for registration
c) not eligible for the issue of an export pedigree
d) name unchangeable, additional fee $15

Any endorsement shall only be lifted by the written request of the individual requesting it.


Owner by *Breeder at the the time of registration


Breeder’s* declaration signed but application to register
made in the name of any person other than the breeder


Breeder’s declaration unsigned but as above


*for definition of breeder, see note 4